To me blue is one of the coolest calming colors ever, that's why I love using it in bedrooms. In this bedroom makeover, I painted the space in a light blue-grey tone on the ceilings and walls to give this space a serene vibe to help my busy client have a good night's sleep on the regs.

And because we all love a good ol' BEFORE+AFTER, here is what the space looked like when I arrived on scene. It was FILLED with move-in boxes. You can also catch a little glimpse of what the dresser/nightstands looked like before I had them refinished and updated with paint and new hardware.
This is a great example of what I can do for you as your designer. Moves are messy, expensive and stressful. It's hard to imagine what your old furnishings will look like in your new space. The truth is, they don't always work OR we have to reimagine them to give them a new function. My client's dressers are a perfect example of that. She could have never imagined them updated in the two-tone finish and functioning as nightstands. I don't just do pretty. I turn chaos into calm but you have to trust me and let me gently guide you the process. When it gets messy (and it will) I will help you look out onto the horizon and keep your eye on the prize because I know from years of experience, that your dream room is about to become a reality.
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