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A Saturday Morning In The Life Of A Designer

Most people are able to have a pajama day on Saturdays if they so choose. Since, the majority of my clients are busy executives, Saturday mornings are a perfect time for us to connect.

Here's a snapshot of how this Saturday morning played out....

The Life Of A Designer

8:00 am:

I am one of those crazy people that normally wake up in the 5 o'clock hour to journal. On Saturday mornings, I really try to lay in as much as possible then head into to the kitchen for my first cup of coffee. I journal a little, quickly check emails, hop onto social media and chat with friends and followers before heading into the shower.

The Life Of A Designer - 8am


Before I head out the door, I double check my work tote to make sure that it has all of the essentials that I will need for my meeting. Calendar - check, quad ruled paper - check, tape measure - check and paint deck - check.

The Life Of A Designer - 9am

9:15 am:

This morning, my appointment is about 35 minutes away so I head out the door at 9:15am to make sure that I get to my client consultation with a few minutes to spare. I'm looking forward to catching on on some podcasts during my drive.

The Life Of A Designer - 9:15am

10:00 am:

I arrive at my client's condominium complex. It's a beautiful lush complex but boy is it easy to get lost here! This is a repeat client so we catch up for a few minutes before going over the scope of her project, which is her master bedroom. I take before photos of her bedroom, take detailed measurements of the room then go over her wish list, budget and timeline and calendar some target dates for this project.

The Life Of A Designer - 10am

12:00 pm:

After I'm finished with my consultation, I head to my favorite local coffee house called The Nest on Third for an almond milk latte and some vegan treats to take home to the kids.

The Life Of A Designer 12pm

1:00 pm:

Back home, I hop onto my computer and log onto my online design studio {affiliate link} to update the client’s project file with notes from our meeting, measurements, before photos, next steps and target deadlines.

The Life Of A Designer - 1pm

2:00 pm:

This little one has been waiting ever so patiently for me to finish my work.

The rest of the day is dedicated to family.

The Life Of A Designer - 2pm

At RM Interiors, we know your busy and value your time - click HERE to find out about my services and consultations.

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