Last week, like everyone else we packed up the kids and the car and headed to our parents for an epic Thanksgiving dinner. Our parents happen to live south of the border in Mexico in a little town called Rosarito Beach. They have a home situated right on the Pacific Ocean. Here are some photos from our Thanksgiving dinner.

I was surprised to find out that Black Friday was a thing down in Mexico too.....I mean, they don't celebrate Thanksgiving so.....(scratches head). I heard a rumor that my favorite place, Fausto Polanco, was having a sale while I was there so I was there bright and early Friday morning to check it out.

I hope that you had a blessed holiday with your family! Christmas is right around the corner and if you need help preparing your home for guests, I do have a few spots available for some 1/2 day or full day room makeovers! Simply click on the contact tab to set up your design service.