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5 Quick And Easy Solutions To Get You Out Of Brown Town

One of the reasons the majority of my clients reach out to me is so I can help them get out of brown town. I’ll walk in and they’ll immediately start calling themselves out on all of the brown in their homes. They'll say, "Look! Beige walls, brown sofa, brown carpet and wood everywhere!". They are OVER IT by the time they've picked up the phone to call me. So tell me, are you over brown too?

Brown, brown, brown

I've got 5 quick and easy solutions to get you the heck out of the Brown Town zip code.


Pillows are the quickest, easiest way to add color to your home. They can bring a tired sofa back to life and you can change them seasonally.


Windows take up a ton of real estate in your home. Layer on curtain panels with color, texture and prints to break up the beige walls. It will soften your walls and bring your attention to the view right outside of them.


Art is a very personal thing. I don’t care if you have to hunt it, make it or purchase it get something up with some color on your walls. Think out of the box, you can hang shutters, something architectural or your collection of Italian plates.


Even if you can’t paint your walls (if you’re a renter), you can paint something! Start with some small side tables. They will pop off of your beige walls.


Add an area rug over your beige wall to wall carpet or wood floors and add beautiful colored throw to your brown sofa.

As always, if you would like to hire me to help you get out of Brown Town click on the Hire Me tab and I’ll get right back to you.

Colorful pillows

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