Revival and Reinvention of a Thrift Store Junkie
I have always been someone that likes to reinvent my myself. Just ask anyone that has spent any amount of time with me through my life's journey. Hair styles, hair colors and fashion (some good/some bad).
Oddly, this morning I woke up vividly remembering a day in back 1981 when I asked my step-father for a couple of bucks and a ride to the thrift store down the street. I was in full on transformation mode. Mod was my new jam, The Jam was my new jam, 60's fashion, Lambretta scooters and trench coats with the Union Jacks patched on the back, the whole lot. I was all about Swinging London and the Mod Revival - the 80's were so EPIC! I remember coming home and excitedly sharing my “new” 60's polyester wardrobe with my parents. I still remember that I scored a ton of items on the .25 cent rack that day too – beginners luck, I know now! I also remember going off to my room and hearing my step-father excitedly tell my mom, “We. Are. Going. To. Save. Sooo. Much. Money!". My mom and I still share a laugh about that pivotal day.
Back to my Thrifting Roots
The day after I quit my 9-5 job, I was back in transformation mode, this time it wasn't a Mod Revival, it was a Me Revival. I packed my corporate clothing in bags and headed to the thrift store not only to donate the items but to replace them as well! I know that you can create tranformation by starting with externals like clothing and environment. I woke up and took one look at my vast banker wardrobe and conservative closed toes shoes sitting in my closet and knew in my soul that I would never have a need for them again. I needed to embrace the new me. The artist me, the designer me, the creative entrepreneur me, the work-from-home-mom me. I took a cue from that day back in 1981 and slowly replaced nearly everything in my closet so that my wardrobe aligns with me today.
34 years later....
I still love the thrill of the hunt, whether it be for clothing or home decor. I still love pieces with history with modern shapes, chippy paint and loads of potential. Transformation doesn't have to cost a fortune, start with what you have and consciously add on from there. Thrift stores, flea markets and Craigslist are great resources PLUS vintage is the ultimate custom decor!
Trolling Craigslist...
...for a swanky storage solution for my hubbies audio and vinyl obsession. There were so many great furniture and décor finds just waiting to be snatched up. Since I can’t purchase them all I was inspired to create these Craigslist Mood Boards.
Do you need help transforming your home from a beautiful shell into a beautiful reflection of you? The time is now to create a safe haven where you can flourish.
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