The Freedom Journey

What is this Freedom Journey you speak of, Rachel?

Well, I done did it! I took that big ol' leap of faith and left my 9-to-5 Banker job to follow my bliss and build a business and life that I love. My Side Hustle is now my Main Hustle. Since I am a creative multi-passionate creative entrepreneur, I have decided to not only focus on growing my Interior Redesign business but to also move forward with several other passion projects that have been swimming in my head for sometime now. I definitely have a lot happening behind the scenes these days. This week alone, I have three installations that I am working on - 2 Bedroom Redesign Projects and a One-Day Restyle Project.

I'm ready to drop some Design Pearls of Wisdom!

The good news is, I am available to help you and not just on lunch breaks, evenings and weekends!

The launch of Casita Casita...

I have been scouring the flea markets and estate sales hunting for vintage lovelies and furniture pieces that I will be putting in my new Etsy Store called "Casita Casita" which I will be launching shortly. Casita Casita will sell unique vintage items for your life and home - I will pound the pavement to bring you one-of-a-kind treasures!

Transition and Reinvention Time...

Transitions are never easy but sometimes necessary. This transition from Corporate Banker to work-from-home Interior Decorator has been an interesting one. I will be sharing some of the transformation process with your in a later post.

Have I left anything out?

Oh! Speaking of transformations (nice segue), would you like help transforming your home from a shell into a reflection of you? I know, shameless plug.

Use the Contact Tab on my website or the Book Now Button on Facebook to set up a consultation.

#interiordecorating #rachelmoriartyinteriors #fleamarketfinds #vintagetreasures